About Shonnie

Shonnie Carson – R.N., B.S., A.N.P., B.C.S.I.
Certified Advanced Rolfer™


Shonnie Carson has a B.S. in nursing and is an Adult Nurse Practitioner. She was a practicing R.N. for 34 years in a variety of nursing fields including three years as a Director of Nursing. She retired from part time nursing in 1996 and now continues with a full time Rolfing practice as her life work. Shonnie brings a great depth of both traditional and non traditional health education and experience to her work as a Rolfer.


Her non-traditional background includes teaching Hatha Yoga and a private practice as a massage therapist. She graduated from the Rocky Mountain Healing Arts Institute in Boulder, Colorado in 1978. Her studies at the institute included acupressure, massage, polarity therapy, iridology and a variety of other healing techniques.


She was certified by the Rolf Institute in 1981 and as an Advanced Rolfer in 1993. She has been a practicing Rolfer for over 43 years, participates in continuing education programs on Rolfing and other healing forms, and is certified in Cranial Sacral therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Scar Work.


Shonnie currently lives and has a Rolfing practice in Phoenix, Arizona.


Community Activities:


  • Board member – Certification Board for Structural Integration
  • Board member – International Association of Structural Integrators
  • Rolf Institute for Structural Integration – Law and Legislation Committee member
  • Co-Founder and board member of WINGS -Women In Networking Generating Success
  • Board member – Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce
  • President and board member Port Orchard Soroptimists International
  • Board member Pt. Orchard Soroptimist Foundation